
The Asteasier start-up has been founded!

The last few months have marked an important milestone for our project: we are proud to announce that the Asteasier start-up has been founded. This was a fundamental step in the development of the Asteasier project, which in less than two years went from the research and trial phase to the market entry phase.

And the first results were not long in coming: last October 22, in fact, Asteasier was presented in Verona as part of the Italian FoodSeed acceleration program which, with an endowment of 15 million euros, is part of the CDP Venture Capital SGR and is promoted by Fondazione Cariverona, UniCredit and Eatable Adventures.

FoodSeed believed that Asteasier, and 6 other selected start-ups, are capable of bringing innovation to the agri-food sector, with the aim of strengthening the ecosystem and introducing a new way of thinking about food and technology. In addition to a financial boost, the partnership between FoodSeed and Asteasier will translate into the possibility of collaboration with companies in the agri-food sector and, therefore, into growth opportunities.

Following this success, the Asteasier tart-up has already started to be talked about!

The presence at the FoodSeed Demo Day sparked in fact even more interest in Asteasier and its goals. We are very proud that Corriere della Sera, the main Italian newspaper, dedicated an article to the seven winners of the FoodSeed Demo Day with a focus on Asteasier and its solution.

The article can be read here.

Other Italian newspapers have also done the same in recent days: here is a small press review!

– Il Sole 24 ore
– La Repubblica
– La Stampa

Go Asteasier!

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